Oilgen Advisory
The Oilgen Advisory service works closely with clients to pre-select deals customised to each client investment profile.
Since 2014, we have carried out 13 evaluation projects in a wide range of situations. Our work has seen us assist a national oil company enter the Venezuelan market, managing major evaluation projects and implementing development strategies.
Oilgen Advisory is built on strong foundations, benefiting from our vast expertise in reservoir engineering, and, from previous experience in reserves evaluation for banks or small independents. Our values are confidentiality, independence and objectivity.
Oilgen Advisory only involves experienced consultants who satisfy both regulatory and reserves standards requirements in terms of qualification.
Reserves & Evaluation
- Due diligence and Acquisition support to the A&D market
- Competent Person Reports (CPRs)
- Asset Evaluation reports
- Pre-audit reserves preparation
- Certified Reserves
- International exploration scouting
- Bid rounds and dataroom
- Frontier plays
- Prospect portfolio value and ranking

Reserves & Evaluation
- Due diligence and Acquisition support to the A&D market
- Competent Person Reports (“CPRs”)
- Asset Evaluation reports
- Pre-audit reserves preparation
- Certified Reserves
Conceptual Studies
- Reserves to Market studies
- Options screening
- Subsea and stranded fields
- International exploration scouting
- Bid rounds and datarooms
- Frontier plays
- Prospect portfolio value and ranking
Management Support
- Organisational reviews
- Independent Reports
- Market Studies
- Technology audits