The French Parliament approved on Wednesday 11 May a new law banning the use of hydraulic fracturation on France territory, by 287 votes for and 186 against.

The law was presented by Mr Christian Jacob, President of the UMP parliamentary Group at the French Parliament. Three articles were voted.
The first article is a ban on the technique of hydraulic fracturation at both exploration and exploitation phase.
The second article abrogates existing exploration permits when those permits involve hydraulic fracturation.
The third article makes provision that an information progress report on oil and gas exploration and production techniques will be delivered to the French Parliament every year.

The Parliamentary debate followed the publication of a provisional inter-governmental report on 21 April 2011.

The report recommended increased efforts in understanding both the risks associated to fracturation techniques, and the unconventional resources potential of French territory. It recognised that the regulatory framework, scientific knowledge and pool of expertise on unconventional exploration was currently insufficient in France.

Oilgen Advisory observes that the new law should have a limited impact on France’s conventional activities, and may lead to a new regulatory framework for unconventional exploration being in place in the next few months or years. Increased industry / government collaboration is expected.

Oilgen Advisory can provide further assistance to clients who want to know more about unconventional E&P in France at :

References (in French):

Oilgen and the French petroleum industry

Oilgen has a long standing technical knowledge of the Paris Basin since 2002. Founding members are French native speakers, also aware of government institutions. Oilgen Advisory previously made a successful application for an exploration permit in France on behalf of one of its clients. Oilgen has hydraulic fracturing experience gained in the North Sea, too.



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