U.K. 14th Landward Licensing Round Production Forecasting
For immediate release. 28 August 2014. U.K. 14th Landward Licensing Round Production Forecasting Oilgen, the reservoir engineering consultancy with offices in Aberden (UK) and Houston (TX, USA), is launching a call to exploration companies participating in the U.K. 14th Landward Licensing Round, to help them evaluate the future production profiles and economics of UK shale […]
Oilgen makes strategic association in EOR services
Oilgen announces today it has signed a partnership with a U.S. company to strengthen its services in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Oilgen, the reservoir engineering and simulation consultancy with offices in Aberdeen and Houston, has established a co-working agreement with Denver-based Expert Energy Solutions LLC (EES) to share knowledge and resources in the field of […]
Oilgen to present at CMG symposium in Houston
Oilgen will make a technical presentation at CMG 2014 symposium on Tuesday 3 June in Houston, entitled “Advanced Fault Management for Complex History Matching Situations in CMG”. Oilgen is an expert user of the CMG reservoir simulation software. To know more about this technical conference, visit www.cmgl.ca
Oilgen Advisory attends APPEX London 2014
Oilgen Advisory will attend APPEX 2014 in London on 11-13 march to promote a production and development deal in the french Paris Basin. Details of this investment opportunity will appear on our website. Contact: Laurent Schirrer Managing Director +44 1224 327047 at our Aberdeen or Houston office. Other link: APPEX conference website
Oilgen launches US onshore acquisition service for international investors
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new Acquisition & Divestment service for international investors, aimed at evaluating and executing US onshore deals. The service will be operated by our Oilgen Advisory division. Contact: our Aberdeen or Houston office. See our full press release
Key Geologist Appointment
I have the pleasure to welcome in the company Dr Lisa Casteleyn, who joins us as staff geological consultant. Lisa will be instrumental in consolidating our geoscience expertise, expanding our capacity to deliver advanced geomodelling services, too. Please read full press release. Laurent Schirrer Managing Director.
Oilgen welcomes new staff Reservoir Engineer
We are delighted to welcome Ismail Labed in the company. Red full press release.
Shale Gas Reservoir Simulation Services
Oilgen is delighted to announce the launch of a new range of services aimed at improving prediction forecast and development optimisation in unconventional reservoirs. Download the presentation we made at the Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society on 4th June 2013, here: Oilgen-Shale-Gas-Reservoir-Simulation-AFES-4-jun-13
Completion of mature field study for Taqa Energy
Please follow link to Press Release: Aberdeen reservoir engineers complete Dutch project for TAQA Energy Holland Link to aritcle in Rigzone: Oilgen_Completes_Reservoir_Modeling_Contract_for_TAQA
Activity update
Oilgen recently started an important integrated reservoir simulation study for client Taqa Energy, based in The Hague (Holland). The scope of this study will cover geological property modelling, field production performance review and reservoir simulation history-match of a mature oilfield situated in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. We are also pleased to announce […]